Document public
Titre : | Amended proposal for a regulation on the establishment of "Eurodac" for the comparison of biometric data for the effective application of regulation on asylum and migration managment and of regulation on resettlement |
Voir aussi : |
Auteurs : | Commission européenne, Auteur ; Union européenne, Auteur |
Type de document : | Textes officiels |
Année de publication : | 23/09/2020 |
Numéro de décision ou d'affaire : | COM(2020) 614 |
Format : | 63 p. |
Langues: | Anglais |
Mots-clés : |
[Géographie] Union européenne (UE) [Mots-clés] Politique publique [Mots-clés] Droit des étrangers [Mots-clés] Asile [Mots-clés] Droit européen [Mots-clés] Directive européenne [Mots-clés] Réglementation [Mots-clés] Ressortissant pays tiers [Mots-clés] Fichier [Mots-clés] Données personnelles [Mots-clés] Migrant |
Résumé : | The New Pact builds on the Commission proposals to reform the Common European Asylum System from 2016 and on the proposal to recast the Return Directive from 2018 as well as adding additional new elements to ensure the balance needed for a common framework bringing together all aspects of asylum and migration policy. The proposal amending the 2016 proposal for a recast Eurodac Regulation1puts in place a clear and consistent link between specific individuals and the procedures they are subjected to in order to better assist with the control of irregular migration and the detection of unauthorised movements. It also supports the implementation of the new solidarity mechanism and contains consequential amendments that will allow Eurodac to function within the interoperability framework between EU information systems. Together with this proposal, the Commission is presenting a proposal for a new Regulation on Asylum and Migration Management putting in place a common framework for asylum and migration management at EU level as part of a comprehensive approach. In addition, the proposal amending the 2016 proposal for an Asylum Procedure Regulation and the proposal for a Regulation establishing a Screening, ensure a seamless link between all stages of the migration procedure, from a new pre-entry procedure to the return of third-country nationals and stateless persons without a right to remain in the Union. This screening would consist of identity, health and security checks on arrival, in view of fast channelling of the person concerned towards the applicable procedure, i.e. return, refusal of entry or the examination of an application for international protection. |
Etat d’avancement des travaux : | Déposé(e) |
Thématique Bulletin documentaire PDF : | Etrangers - Migrants |
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